Monday, February 28, 2011

Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts

Google Glitch Leaves 150,000 Gmail Users Without E-Mails or Contacts

Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts
Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts
Today thousands of people around the world attempted to log into Gmail like any other morning – only this morning, their Gmail account had been wiped clean. A glitch in Google mail service Gmail has left 150,000 Gmail users with empty mailboxes, accidentally wiped free of not just e-mails, but also contacts, chats, folders, and settings.
It’s no big deal if you only use your Gmail account for fun. But Gmail has attained an air of professionalism that other free e-mail hosts like Hotmail have never been able to achieve. As a result, many small businesses use Gmail accounts for transactions and correspondence. When Gmail stores impossible amounts of data, accessible from anywhere, backing up from Gmail to another location is rare – making the sudden and permanent loss of a Gmail account potentially devastating. One Gmail user posted on the Gmail Help Forum, “I run a business and I am completely helpless now. All my clients information, emails, contact, schedule, shared documents, everything is in there.”
The details of when Gmail will be restored have not yet emerged. Once every hour since early this morning, the Google Status Dashboard app has posted, regarding the Gmail glitch, “We are continuing to investigate this issue. We will provide an update by February 28, 2011 [at the next hour] detailing when we expect to resolve the problem.” So far, Google has reportedly been successful in restoring service to a few Gmail users. The Gmail users who are still in ...Read the rest at:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

iPhone 4 Best Phone in Market

The iPhone 4 was named "best" at Global Mobile Awards 2011 in Barcelona, with HTC trailing close behind.

iPhone 4 Best Phone in Market
iPhone 4 Best Phone in Market
Apple didn’t even need the latest device to win Best Mobile Device at the Global Mobile Awards 2011, it just needed to go up against second-rate competition. It was hardly CES, but the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is still an international tete-a-tete, especially when Apple doesn’t even show at the Spanish fair.
The Global Mobile Awards 2011 focused on what the rest of the world already knew: the iPhone 4 features a “great screen, sharp design, fantastic materials and phenomenal ecosystem for app developers.” Go figure – the iPhone 4 is the best selling phone on the market, after Verizon Wireless finally stepped up to the plate.
The iPhone 4 is a smug little fellow, especially since international Apple fans continue to wait in line to pick up the famed 4G device. Despite the iPhone 5 rumored to be hitting stores this summer, many fans of the phone will continue to pin away at another rumor – the white iPhone. Last month speculation peaked yet again about a possible pallid piece from Apple, leaked suspiciously from retailers at Vodafone Germany and Best Buy.
The contenders taking rank beside iPhone 4 might not be top ranking Mashable stories but can still work with the best of them. HTC picked up the Device Manufacturer of the Year, and for too many techies it was clear even without the hype, that this guy ...Read the rest at:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The harder CBS star Charlie Sheen parties, the more we like him

The “Two and A Half Men” star recently landed in rehab for the third time in 12 months for alcohol, drug and stripper abuse.

Is it bad that we want to party with Charlie Sheen?
Is it bad that we want to party with Charlie Sheen?
The more booze he downs, the more drugs he does and the more strippers he bangs, the more we all seem to like him. Ladies and gentleman, Charlie Sheen!
How did this happen? Sheen, the infamous star of “Two and a Half Men”, recently landed in rehab for the third time in 12 months, causing a temporary sabbatical for his hit CBS show, which averages around 15 million regular viewers per episode. His addiction to alcohol, cocaine and strippers has been well documented and his most recent adventure was a 36-hour banger at his home in January that featured all of the above in high quantities. It has to make you wonder, what exactly would Sheen have to do to get fired from CBS? If the Average Joe showed up to work smelling like hookers and coke, they would be dismissed immediately. The same can even be said for the not-so-average exec.
But the same cannot be said for Sheen for some reason. The American public is eating up Sheen’s maniac antics and the best part is that the primary benefiters are the show, the network and the advertisers. Sheen is living, breathing proof that the power viewership trumps all things related to business. Fifteen million eyes tune into “Two and A Half Men” every week, which isn’t something that is easily dismissed by network executives, even if Sheen has a bit of a serious problem. Our question, though, is where are the sponsors and advertisers calling for Sheen’s dismissal? Accenture and Buick threw Tiger Woods to the curb after his sexual conquests, so why isn’t the same thing happening to Sheen? Again it all goes back to viewership. Sheen is padding the pockets of CBS and its advertisers with so much dough that he has been granted immunity. Does this mean that the advertisers who run ads on CBS advocate 36-hour rage fests? It’s pretty awesome when you think about it, especially considering that Sheen’s most prominent role before “Two and A Half Men” was the “Hot Shots” franchise. He has risen from spoof fame in crappy movies to the point where he is commanding an entire television network. I mean don’t get us wrong CSI: Miami is a ridiculously awesome show in its own right, but Sheen and his show are most certainly the flagship of CBS.
This brings us to our next question: Because it’s impossible to fire Sheen, is there a corporate group at CBS that has to scramble a team each time Sheen makes or Perez Hilton? I think there has to be some kind of body that is probably dubbed “The Charlie Sheen Crisis Team.” I would love to be in that meeting where an exec pulls out an article about Charlie Sheen and briefcases full of cocaine. Again, only in entertainment would a drunken, cocaine maniac be able to keep his job. Just look at those d-bags from the Jersey Shore.
Also, consider how Sheen funds these antics. Currently, he is the highest paid actor in primetime as he earns between $1.8 and $1.9 million per episode. This puts him on the same pay grade as Ray Romano in the final season of “Everybody Loves Raymond.” But where Romano is trapped filming terrible TNT shows about old dudes with old dude problems, Sheen is using the CBS cash cow to keep his glory years rolling. The best part is that everyone in America is eating it up. Is there any incentive for Sheen to change his ways other than he has a problem and he needs help? With so many people tuning into his show, and with how much money he’s raking in, there isn’t a good enough reason to change. It’s the same reason Jennifer Aniston will never get married. Do you think she would keep making the cover of People Magazine and OK Magainze if she finally settled down with a husband? Of course not! As long as mags keep flying off the shelf anytime the media depicts her as the kind-hearted soul who got dicked over by Brad, you will continue to see .... Read the rest at :

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Google Honeycomb vs Apple iPad

Google and Apple are fighting for the tablet market

Google Honeycomb vs Apple iPad
Google Honeycomb Logo
Yesterday Google unveiled Honeycomb, the Android OS designed specifically for tablets. Since Apple has had very few real competitors in the tablet market after they launched their iPad last year, it’s going to be interesting to see which OS ends up ahead.
Google Honeycomb will be featured on tablets such as the Motorola Xoom. The Android 3.0 OS will feature a bigger screen capable virtual keyboard, and an improved resolution of 1280x800 for a comparatively larger screen. Additionally, there will be a 5MP HD webcam on the Xoom, something the Apple iPad lacks completely, that will allow for easy communication. Widgets are also prominently featured in Honeycomb. Select which widgets you need, such as gmail or music, and they’ll update in real time. Already speculated as a better multi-tasking device, the Google Honeycomb allows apps to run in the background and offers an easy switch between tasks with its preview tabs on the side of the screen. It’s still too early to tell exactly how much competition this OS will give Apple. Once the OS reaches the market there will be a better way to judge the OS more thoroughly, especially on issues such as its effect on battery life.
Apple, unsurprisingly, isn’t ready to give up the tablet market easily. A new iPad OS was released in beta form in January, planning to be officially released at an event next week. There are also rumors of an iPad 2 being highlighted at the same Apple event. Already ahead of the market, the iPad is becoming less of a luxury item and more of a professional tool. As updates continue to the iOS, the iPad continues to hold a strong grip on the market.
Clearly the tablet market is continually emerging with new technologies. Either way, whether it is ... Read the rest of the article at