Monday, February 28, 2011

Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts

Google Glitch Leaves 150,000 Gmail Users Without E-Mails or Contacts

Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts
Google Glitch Wreaks Havoc on Gmail Accounts
Today thousands of people around the world attempted to log into Gmail like any other morning – only this morning, their Gmail account had been wiped clean. A glitch in Google mail service Gmail has left 150,000 Gmail users with empty mailboxes, accidentally wiped free of not just e-mails, but also contacts, chats, folders, and settings.
It’s no big deal if you only use your Gmail account for fun. But Gmail has attained an air of professionalism that other free e-mail hosts like Hotmail have never been able to achieve. As a result, many small businesses use Gmail accounts for transactions and correspondence. When Gmail stores impossible amounts of data, accessible from anywhere, backing up from Gmail to another location is rare – making the sudden and permanent loss of a Gmail account potentially devastating. One Gmail user posted on the Gmail Help Forum, “I run a business and I am completely helpless now. All my clients information, emails, contact, schedule, shared documents, everything is in there.”
The details of when Gmail will be restored have not yet emerged. Once every hour since early this morning, the Google Status Dashboard app has posted, regarding the Gmail glitch, “We are continuing to investigate this issue. We will provide an update by February 28, 2011 [at the next hour] detailing when we expect to resolve the problem.” So far, Google has reportedly been successful in restoring service to a few Gmail users. The Gmail users who are still in ...Read the rest at:

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