Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Apple Perks: Steve Jobs’ $90 Million Gulfstream Jet

Apple CEO Steve Jobs might only make $1 a year, but for building an iPad/iPod/iPhone empire, he travels on Apple’s expense

Apple Perks: Steve Jobs’ $90 Million Gulfstream Jet
Apple Perks: Steve Jobs’ $90 Million Gulfstream Jet
We all know that Steve Jobs doesn’t get paid much – in fact, his annual salary is often the headline leading up to what the Apple CEO has done for the company. Earning a meager $1 a year, Steve Jobs was brought into the almost practically deceased brand roughly a decade ago to spruce up the company that once let him go (with threats to sue). After a few tweaks and tinkering, Steve Jobs turned the Apple brand around, helping it become one of the most successful electronic companies in the world.
So how’d he manage to survive with the same low salary of $1 a year through all of this? Perks, my friend. It’s all about the perks. While many major executives are constantly offered company benefits, none have fallen on quite the same level as Steve Jobs. That might be because Jobs was so adamant on making Apple a recognizable brand rather than receive adequate compensation, that Apple gave Jobs a $90 million Gulfstream V. According to the Apple weblog, the Gulfstream Aerospace G-V is a fixed wing multi-engine that can race up to 740 miles an hour and seat up to 19 people.
Not only that, but once Apple was back on track, Steve Jobs – along with the $90 million top-of-the-line jet - was offered the option to purchase ten million shares of company stock way back in 2000. That couldn’t have been a bad deal, especially when they were priced at nearly $100 a share at the time. Today, Jobs has about 5.4 million shares of Apple. 
After a few years of flying his...Read the rest of the article at:

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